Richard Mirabile, Ph.D.
Executive Advisor
Richard Mirabile is an Organizational Psychologist with over 25 years of diverse, business, consulting and academic experience. He has also been a technology founder, CEO, and advisor to multiple start-up companies. Through multiple lenses, he understands complex situations and integrates extensive information to help executives, senior leaders, and teams strengthen their leadership and organizational impact. His current work focus is in Leadership Development, High Performance Teams, Organization Development, and Executive Coaching.

In addition to his consulting practice, he has been a Guest Fellow at the Center for Leadership Development and Research in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. He has also held positions as Senior Partner, Leadership Consulting Services for Heidrick & Struggles, Director of Human Resources for GTE Telephone Operations Group; Western Regional Vice President of Linkage, Inc., and Chief Learning Officer (CLO) for Virtual Learn, a venture-backed, e-learning company.
Dr. Mirabile was also the Founder and CEO of Success Factor Systems, Inc., the predecessor company of the company now known as SAP Success Factors. As the company’s first CEO, he developed the original business and product strategy, raised the firs two rounds of venture funding, and led the firm from its inception through the first seve years of growth. Success Factors completed a successful IPO in 2007 and was acquired b SAP in 2012. Earlier in his career, he was an Assistant Professor at Purdue University and an adjunct faculty member at John F. Kennedy University. He has also been a gues lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin.
He is currently an Advisory Board member of Aptology, an early stage compan specializing in behavioral assessments for job-person matching.
- Coach/Trusted Advisor to CEO of a $2b technology company (six years). Focus of work: leadership style/impact, HR & OD strategies, Executive team dynamics, and facilitation of all Executive team retreats.
- Senior OD consulting engagement providing culture assessment and strategic recommendations for building high performance culture in a manufacturing organization.
- Chief Architect in design of an internal company University designed to provide developmental programs for the top 250 leaders in a large technology company
- Coach to Founder & CEO of technology start-up (two years). Focus of work:
personal leadership effectiveness, Executive team dynamics, and scaling of
organization, talent and product development. - Coach/Trusted Advisor to CEO of a software company (three years). Focus of work: Executive team effectiveness, leadership style/impact, and facilitation of Executive retreats.
- Coach to SVP of HR. Focus of work: organization development, team effectiveness and collaboration, leadership impact and facilitation of team development programs.
- Advisor/Facilitator to the Executive team of a $6b health care organization and Coach
to the CEO.
Industry Experience
Pharmaceutical, Technology, Financial Services, Semiconductor, Insurance, Bio-Technology, Education, Telecommunications, Public Utilities, Start –Ups/Early Stage
- Ph.D. Organizational Systems,
Purdue University - M.S. Psychology & Business
Southern Illinois University - B.A. Psychology,
Southern Illinois University
- Life/Career Facilitator,
University of Michigan - Certified Career Counselor,
Southern Illinois University - Certified Facilitator,
Extraordinary Leader Assessment